Friday, March 6, 2009

A snippet from Octavio Paaz's Poem 'nomore chiches"

This poem is to you women, 
That like a Shahrazade wake up
Everyday with a new story to tell, 
A story that sings for change
That hopes for battles: 
Battles for the love of the united flesh
Battles for passions aroused by a new day
Battle for the neglected rights
Or just battles to survive one more night.

Yes, to you women in a world of pain
To you, bright star in this ever-spending universe
To you, fighter of a thousand-and-one fights
To you, friend of my heart.

From now on, my head won't look down to a magazine
Rather, it will contemplate the night
And its bright stars, 
And so, no more clichés. 

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