Friday, May 8, 2009

പ്രണയകാണ്ഡം- soliloquies in love

This set of poems just took birth out of me during another episode of intense love - as usual passionate still lonely. Kept all the poems in a word file imagining always about presenting it along with my proposal. I may be destined to be the prisoner of unrequitted loves.

This time too, it was nipped before it bloomed. No grand stages of love seeking occured; it happened such silently and complicatedly. Obviously I didnt have any chnace of handing over my poems too. I dont want to set those poems on fire. I am presnting it to the open world, at least the poems should see the breath and warmth of an open world. 

But quite differently from the last time, I am emerging out of it, although  painfully but with a mission. I will keep on singing about the hope till my death. 
  The poems are arranged as it occured chronolgically starting with a love letter(2 months back), and ending with the bharathvaakyam(just one week old). so from next post onwards. 


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